TBY Meaning

TBY Meaning

TBY in the text means “Thinking Bout You,” urging the recipient to consider their actions or words carefully before proceeding.

What Does TBY Mean In Texting?

“TBY” in text slang stands for “Thinking Bout You.” It’s a casual and affectionate abbreviation used in digital communication, such as texting, chatting, or on social media platforms.

People use “TBY” to express that someone is on their mind, conveying a sense of warmth, concern, or romantic interest without stating it directly. It’s a succinct way to let someone know they’re being thought of, making it popular in personal conversations among friends, family, or romantic partners.

Abbreviation Meaning Emotion
TBY Thinking Bout You Longing
Safe for Work Safe for Children
Yes Yes


Message: Hey, TBY! How’s your day going?

Response: Aw, thanks! My day’s going well. How about yours?

Message: Haven’t heard from you in a while, TBY. Is everything okay?

Response: Yeah, sorry for being MIA. Just been caught up with work lately. But yeah, everything’s good!

Message: Feeling a bit down tonight, TBY. Can we chat?

Response: Of course, I’m here for you. What’s on your mind

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