CTHU Meaning

CTHU Meaning

CTHU, an acronym for text messages and online communication, stands for “Cracking The Hell Up.” It’s used to express that something is hilarious, indicating a strong reaction of laughter.

What Does CTHU Mean In Texting?

CTHU stands for “Cracking The Heck Up.” It is an acronym used in text messaging and online conversations to express that something is amusing, causing the person to laugh out loud.

The phrase is often used when reacting to jokes, funny stories, or humorous content shared on social media. It conveys a stronger reaction than just a simple LOL (Laugh Out Loud), indicating that the person finds something particularly hilarious.

Abbreviation Meaning Emotion
CTHU Cracking The Hell Up Amusement
Safe for Work Safe for Children
Yes Yes


  • Q: Have you seen the latest comedy special on Netflix?
  • A: Yes, I watched it last night, and I was CTHU the entire time! It was hilarious.
  • Q: What’s the funniest thing that happened to you recently?
  • A: Well, I was telling my friends about this embarrassing moment, and they were CTHU. It was pretty funny looking back on it.
  • Q: Did you see that meme I sent you earlier?
  • A: Yeah, I did! I was CTHU when I saw it. Thanks for the laugh!


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