DATY Meaning

DATY Meaning

DATY in the text stands for “Dining At The Y,” a euphemism for oral sex performed on a woman.

What Does DATY Mean In Texting?

In texting, “DATY” stands for “Dining At The Y,” a slang term used to describe the act of oral sex performed on a woman. The “Y” in the acronym metaphorically refers to the shape of a woman’s legs when she is in a position to receive oral sex.

This term is considered explicit and is used in adult conversations to communicate sexual activities discreetly or with a hint of humor.

Abbreviation Meaning Emotion
DATY Dining At The Y (oral sex) Desire, pleasure
Safe for Work Safe for Children
No No


    • Person A: Hey, what did you two end up doing last night?
    • Person B: Well, let’s just say there was a lot of DATY involved.
    • Person A: Do you think she’s into that kind of stuff?
    • Person B: Oh. She hinted at wanting some DATY action next time we’re together.
    • Person A: I’m not sure if I should bring up the idea of DATY with my partner.
    • Person B: Just gauge their reaction to more subtle hints first, and if they seem open, go for it.
    • Person A: How was your date last night?
    • Person B: It was amazing! We started with some DATY, and it just got better from there.

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