ILYK Meaning

ILYK Meaning

ILYK stands for “I’ll Let You Know,” used in text to indicate that the sender will provide information at a later time.

What Does ILYK Mean In Texting?

ILYK, an acronym used in texting and online communication, stands for “I’ll Let You Know.” This phrase is commonly used to indicate that the sender will provide more information or a decision at a later time.

It is a way to acknowledge a request or a question without giving an immediate answer, suggesting that the sender needs more time to consider their response or to gather the necessary information before getting back to the recipient.

Abbreviation Meaning Emotion
ILYK I Love You, K? Affectionate, casual
Safe for Work Safe for Children
Yes Yes


  • Question: Hey, are we still meeting up for dinner tonight?
  • Answer: ILYK. I need to check my schedule first.
  • Question: Did you decide which movie you want to watch this weekend?
  • Answer: ILYK. I’m still browsing through the options.
  • Question: Have you finished reviewing the report I sent you?
  • Answer: ILYK. I’ll have it done by the end of the day.

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