FOTD Meaning

FOTD Meaning

FOTD in the text usually stands for “Fact of the Day,” a phrase used to share interesting, educational, or unusual […]

IPI Meaning

IPI Meaning

In the text, “IPI – Laughing Pretty Loud” is not a widely recognized acronym or phrase. It may be a

WEML Meaning

WEML Meaning

WEML stands for “What Excites Me the Most,” a phrase used in texting to express enthusiasm or keen interest in

CTHU Meaning

CTHU Meaning

CTHU, an acronym for text messages and online communication, stands for “Cracking The Hell Up.” It’s used to express that

IBVS Meaning

IBVS Meaning

“IBVS” in the text means “I’ve Been Very Sick.” It’s a shorthand way to inform someone that the sender has

IMSG Meaning

IMSG Meaning

IMSG in text messaging typically means “I Must Say Goodbye,” used to indicate that the sender is leaving the conversation

IMSG Meaning

IGHT Meaning

“IGHT” in text slang stands for “alright” or “okay,” used to express agreement, acknowledgment, or a casual form of assent,

TGAT Meaning

TGAT Meaning

In texting, “TGAT” typically means “Thank God Almighty Together,” expressing gratitude and relief in a shared context or achievement, often

IHH Meaning

IHH Meaning

In texting, “IHH” often means “I Hate Hate,” expressing a strong dislike for negativity or hatefulness. It’s used to advocate

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