WYLL Meaning

WYLL Meaning

In texting, “WYLL” stands for “What You Look Like?” It’s a question asking someone to describe their physical appearance or […]

MK Meaning

MK Meaning

In text messaging, “MK” is a shorthand expression for “m’kay,” which means “okay.” It’s used to acknowledge a message, indicate

IMK Meaning

IMK Meaning

In texting, “IMK” stands for “In My Knowledge,” used to convey that the information being shared is based on the


SMD Meaning

SMD in text slang often stands for “suck my d***,” a vulgar expression used to dismiss or insult someone. What

IMS Meaning

IMS Meaning

In the text, “IMS” often means “I am sorry,” used to express an apology or convey regret in informal digital

WYF Meaning

WYF Meaning

“WYF” in text slang stands for “What You Doing?” It’s a casual way to ask someone about their current activity.

GMFU Meaning

GMFU Meaning

GMFU in the text means “Got Me Fucked Up,” expressing disbelief, frustration, or annoyance in response to someone’s actions or

DATY Meaning

DATY Meaning

DATY in the text stands for “Dining At The Y,” a euphemism for oral sex performed on a woman. What

WGAT Meaning

WGAT Meaning

“WGAT” in text slang often means “What’s Going On There?” used to inquire about a situation or event in a

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